Spotlight & Anaconda

Lyons Constructions


Spotlight & Anaconda

The Situation


Spotlight and Anaconda were after a new home in Geelong.  Located in Belmont, the construction of the Spotlight and Anaconda Shopping Centre was a big project in Geelong.

The timing for the project was crucial, with a heavy reliance on the Steel Structure of the Centre to be completed on time for the whole project to be delivered on time.


What We Did

Trusted with the Steel Structure we made sure the project was delivered in time with the construction schedule. Working with the builders we used the architectural drawings to develop a 3D model of the Shopping Centre precinct.

Once this was signed off on by the Lyons Construction team we processed, fabricated and surface treated the steel at the Atex Steel warehouse in Moolap, Geelong. Finally we delivered and installed the frame on schedule.


The Result

Our team at Atex Steel coordinated deliveries with the installation of the frame running smoothly and as the builder expected. With a strong steel frame in place, the project was completed to make a new precinct housing a number of large stores including Spotlight, Anaconda and Clark Rubber.

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